Now that our Albania ministry has new leadership in place, the process of change has begun. Not change for changes sake, but changes we feel the Lord is directing us into making.
The process of retiming, refurbishing and revitalising our Church in Katjel has started, under the Lord’s direction and under the leadership of our Pastor there, Lefter Biba. Refurbishment work is well underway to enlarge, brighten up and make the venue more inviting as a place of worship and fellowship.
As well as extending and painting, we are getting rid of the old wooden pews, buying new modern church chairs and upgrading the lighting.
Under Lefter, Bible study and prayer are central to the life of the Katjel Church. He has started a vibrant Youth work and there is also a regular Ladies meeting.
There are big plans to reach out to the village of Katjel with the Gospel, and Lefter is tireless in home visitation. With much prayer we are looking to the Lord to help us add precious souls to the existing body of believers, hence the Church enlargement project.