As an international ministry with offices in multiple countries, we’ve launched a new U.S.-specific Facebook group to share news and information for our supporters in the United States.

Our main Living Water Adopt-A-Child (LWAAC) Facebook page remains the hub for international ministry information and testimonies. Now, we also offer groups.

The U.S. group can easily be found from our Facebook page by selecting the “More” drop-down menu and choosing “Groups.”

Established in 2007, the Living Water Adopt-A-Child U.S. office is located in Pensacola, Florida. Thousands of children in Guatemala and Albania benefit from our feeding programs, medical/dental clinics, youth centers and churches.

We’re excited about offering this new resource as a way to share U.S. updates, news and child sponsorship opportunities. We hope the supporters in the U.S. will find information, encouragement and connection on this group page.

Join the group for LWAAC supporters in the U.S. today.

Living Water Adopt-A-Child U.S. Facebook Group