Our Summer Camp Program in Albania is coming to a close, and we just wrapped up a successful series of 10 camps and a youth conference with a total of 750 children and youth participating.
We are very grateful that, as Erion Cuni, Senior Pastor of Living Water Adopt-A-Child in Albania, proclaimed Christ, 20 youth responded and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior!
Pastor Cuni, the father of a 12-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter, echoes the hardships children around the world are encountering right now: the difficulty of attempting in-home school, hours of online programs and hours of free-time spent on the Internet. He saw his own children’s lives mirroring the lives of those in our LWAAC programs.
As temperatures started to climb in Albania, so did the urge to do something for the young people. God responded to this faith, arranging everything by bringing together generous people ready to help, pray and give.
“In our camps, we had nearly 30 children proclaiming Christ as their Savior—not just raising their hands but coming up front and sharing what God had spoken to them,” Pastor Cuni says. “I strongly believe that God has been worshiped, and He’s pleased not only by the lives that have been saved, but mostly for trusting Him and allowing Him to be known in these times of uncertainty and little hope.”
Thank you to for your continued prayer and support for Albania. We encourage you to continue praying for these children and youth, many of them facing very crucial life moments ahead. They’ll be deciding between pursuing higher education, working family land, immigrating to bigger cities, and more. We hope that, through our camps, they will learn to hear God’s voice in every decision they make.
“This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” — 1 Timothy 2:3-4
Learn more about how you can help bring the hope of Jesus Christ to this predominantly Muslim nation.