We’re excited to share that work is continuing on the site of our new Living Water Adopt-A-Child program in Chulumal, Guatemala.

In March, the foundations for the building were completed and a very special Bible that had been donated by a supporter from the U.S. was laid into the foundation precisely under where the pulpit of the Church will be, signifying that the only name that will ever be preached there is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The search to identify a permanent source of water on the site continues as a larger drilling rig is needed to reach the water source approximately 325 feet below the surface. Once completed, the well will provide the center and the surrounding community in Chulumal with clean water.

Despite heavy rains in July which delayed construction work for a while, our construction teams have been working very hard and the main center building is starting to take shape. The frame is now up and the roof is on.

Living water adopt a child chulumal dedication service

On August 8 we gathered all of our ministry staff, representatives from each of our Living Water Churches, local civic leaders and our neighbors from the Chulumal Primary School for a special dedication service. Steve McDaniel, our International Director, writes:

1. We publicly glorified the Lord for His provision in helping us to repay our loan on the land.

2. As a ministry, we adopted the local primary school ‘Chulumal Primero’. We presented the school’s directors with a check to be used to purchase school supplies, and uniforms and to help with any other educational needs the children might have. We hope to begin serving meals at the school in early 2024.

3. We officially launched the newest church in our national network. Pastor Goyo already serves as the pastor of the Zacualpa work and has assisted us in the role of Interim Pastor in Chichicastenango. As part of the dedication, we established him in as the pastor for ‘Iglesia Libertad de Chichicastenango’.

The weather was beautiful and the people really turned out for the occasion. This is only the beginning.

We have big plans for this project. God has used so many people to help get us to this point – far too many to mention by name – but a big ‘Thank You’ if you are one of them.