How You Can Help

You can get involved with Living Water Adopt-a-Child by going on a mission trip, participating in corporate giving, volunteering, or praying. Every meal, visit, and prayer helps bring the hope of Jesus to impoverished families. How will you help?


Your church can partner with us by participating in mission trips and providing financial support.


Sponsor a Project

Our ministry provides nutritious meals and sustainable food sources to the elderly, widows, disabled, and single mothers in Guatemala and Albania. LWAAC is committed to helping to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the more than 80% of Guatemalans and 30% of Albanians living in poverty.

Our Projects

Click on the icons to learn more about each project.

Nutritious meals for elderly and disabled people living in poverty

Provide chickens and fresh produce to create a sustainable food source

Food & other resources for widows, grandmothers, & single mothers

Workplace Giving

Join us in our mission to impact lives globally by setting up a corporate giving program for your employees.

If your employees participate, a portion of their earnings each pay period will help fund our life-changing work in Guatemala and Albania.


Facebook Fundraiser

Prayerfully consider partnering with us to change lives in Guatemala and Albania.

  1. Visit https://www.facebook
  2. Select “Raise Money for a Nonprofit”
  3. Select “Living Water – Adopt A Child,” Complete the Fundraiser Details, and Select a Cover Photo
  4. Click Create

Pray With & For Us

Join us in praying for thousands of children in need, our programs, and staff across Guatemala and Albania.

Send Us Your Prayer Request

    Contact Us

    Please send us a message through our Contact Us webpage for more information on how you can get involved in our ministry.


    Thank You Partners

    Our church & corporate partners help us provide life-sustaining physical & spiritual care to families struggling with poverty.