The Great Commission
Help Advance the Gospel
When you support our pastors in Guatemala or Albania, you empower them to spread the gospel of Christ to those who desperately need the hope He brings. Many of our pastors attended our feeding programs as children, so they understand the unique challenges facing families living in extreme poverty.
Serving the Least of These
Meet Our Living Water Adopt A Child Pastors
Pastor Lefter Biba
Missionaries introduced Lefter Biba to Jesus, and today he serves as a pastor in a predominantly Muslim area of Albania. God's grace has changed him from a lost man to a leader.
Pastor Jose Martin Chom
As a child, Jose Martin Chom was registered in our Chixocol feeding program. Today he serves on the leadership team of Liberty Church in the same village.
Pastor Wilmar Gonzalez
Wilmar Gonzalez accepted Jesus as Savior after attending the Bible classes offered through our feeding program in Chixocol. He is now a pastor of Liberty Church in Tunaja.
Pastor Gregorio Chom Hernandez
Gregorio began his journey with the Lord when Living Water missionaries visited his house to evangelize. He now serves as pastor of churches in Zacualpa and Chichicastenango.
Pastor Pablo Hernandez
An alumnus of our feeding program in Zacualpa, Pablo Hernandez has served as a musician, deacon and preacher. Today, he continues to lead and serve in Pasojoc.
Pastor Franklin Osario
Franklin Osario attended our feeding program in San Miguel Duenas town. He now leads Sunday School at churches in Duenas and Jocotenango and oversees evangelism efforts in Antigua.
Pastor Diego Sincu
Diego Sincu accepted Jesus in 1984. He was ordained as a deacon, then became an elder, and finally was ordained as pastor. He continues to serve Liberty Church of Chixocol.
Pastor Wagner Torres
Wagner Torres was 3 years old when he started attending our feeding program in Duenas. Now he works in evangelism and serves as a deacon at Liberty Church in Duenas and Jocotenango.
Pastors rely on the generosity of our donors to fuel their ministries.
One-Time Gifts
Every donation makes a difference and blesses our pastors serving Guatemala and Albania. Your contribution is 100% tax-deductible.
Monthly Recurring Gifts
Monthly partnership provides a strong foundation of support for our pastors and helps to cover the basic needs of their family.